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Bannière Guignolsland

GUIGNOLSLAND : Brindas and Guignol
(Special thanks to those willing to put this banner as a link on their pages !)

THE MOON en direct.., the site which
OFFERS YOU THE MOON (as a calendar)
For gardeners, see here or there

Welcome to the official GUIGNOLSLAND site !
…where you can discover
mainly (from top to bottom on this summary homepage) :
The village of BRINDAS and Guignol (this one in english !) // amateur theatre (L2M / Agenda théâtre) and theatre in hospital // Poetry // etc

This is an english translation (a bit approximative ? partly made with the machine !!) of our welcome & summary page, so that english speaking people could see what this site is all about.. (PS: but not very well updated !).
But please note that the other pages are NOT translated yet. So if you need any particular information in english, please just let us know... (webmaster<at>
PS : The GUIGNOL page is now the only other one translated.

- Formerly sometimes considered as "out of France ..." (hence our GuignolsLand "presipauty"?)
Brindas is a second homeland (after Lyon) for GUIGNOL ! (and GNAFRON too, of course)

and a Guignol Museum-Theater opened here in 2008 - Link to the Official Site -
(its programmation also is in our BrindAgenda page)

Vignette Place Verdun>>> (almost) Everything about BRINDAS (F-69126), village in the west of Lyon, France <<<

Please consult our various BRINDAS pages (if you want to read some french !)
<<< BrindAGENDA // ASSOS // BrindasInfos // BrindasMémo // Brindas éco // BrindACTU' // Déjàvu >>>
(their contents are detailed hereunder...)

> BrindAGENDA = A cultural & animation agenda (dates of events, concerts, expos...). And even TV programs now...
> ASSOS = A list of local associations
> BrindasInfos = geographic & historic generalities (the essential to know ?) > And GoogleMaps plan for Brindas.
BrindasMémo = the mémento/guide with all useful informations (doctors, schools, etc !)
Brindas éco = shops & business addresses in Brindas (with a map, too)
> BrindACTU' = Some news of local policy (dates for meetings, elections, etc)
> and a blog where you can express yourself too..
> Déjàvu = Archive pages for some past events..
Don't hesitate to contact us   !

"LES DEUX MASQUES"(The Two Masks) is the name of the theatre group in Brindas (F- 69126)

tract pièceOdile Collin has been the president of the association since 2001...(address)
To write them: Les2Masques(at)

>> List of all the spectacles given to date by les 2 Masques.
(with a page on almost every play, with photographs, distribution, etc)



Last play : 27 et 28 Mars 2009 (salle des fêtes in Brindas) :
"La Barque sans Pêcheur", a comedy (dramatic) by Alejandro Casona
(in 1995, Les Deux Masques already played La Dame de l'Aube by the same spanish author)

Find out programs of théâtre - amateur... or not  - in the west suburbs of Lyon...

Atelier 2009
O. Collin also manages an atelier theatre in a private psychiatric clinic.
(NB: If you happen to fall on this page when looking for "SAML Vaugneray" - Google surprises !- here is an informative page about this establishment)
Every year, a "poetic spectacle" joining together patients and clinic personnel is prepared by the theatre workshop.
In 2009 it was "La Nuit est Incertaine…" .
It was played on 29th & 30th May 2009, ,
at the Théâtre du Griffon in Vaugneray.



From 2005 to 2007, poetry meetings/lectures called "Les Mots du Jeudi" took place on selected thursday evenings at the clinic.

Come and stroll in our pages of poetry, signed OC !

MAKE A DONATION ? : If this site offers some SERVICES to you, just think that it takes us a certain amount of work and does not bring a centime back to us (not awkward advertizing here). So if you think that this can deserve some right remuneration or that we would make well pay us a better software to make these pages, you can perhaps help us !? Thank you to all donators, we will set up virtual statues to them on Web pages out of pink marble.. (strange translation, isn't it ?!)

> If you note any dysfunctions or inaccuracies (or mistakes in translating !),
thank you for telling us : webmaster(at)

>>>> Realization of the site: SD. All rights reserved © Thank you not "to borrow" without authorization !

To find a needle in the haystacks of GuignolsLand (or on the world wide web),
we offer you this special Research
page >>>

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Bannière Guignolsland

Thanks for visiting us ! (hope you come back soon)


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